Sunday, May 8, 2022

McLaurins’ on Jupiter of Larne 1775

The voyage could be very treacherous with gale force winds sinking ships. 

Duncan McLaurin “Duncan McJohn” (D-d), left money with his brother John McLaurin (D-e) in Glendroum to care for a child that Duncan left behind when he emigrated in 1775 on Jupiter of Larne with three of his nephews Donald (D-bb), Lauchlin (D-bd), and Lawrin (D-be). A bill among the Neil McLaurin of Inveresregan Papers (NRS GD170/481) dated September 1779 stated John McLaurininGlendroum had died. CAT pg. 429.

On Goggle maps it appears that you can drive to Druimavuic and perhaps to the southern head of Coire Bliochdaig.

Glendroum in my best guess is the small glen leading northeast from Glasdrum, with long time McColl portioners who also emigrated on the “Jupiter of Larne” in 1775, the John McColl family, who settled in Mountain Creek, North Carolina. By the mid 1770s the McColls had lost their portion altogether. This hints that the four McLaurin men are also from Glasdrum.

Coire Bliochdaig is a long narrow ravine at the north west base of Beinn Squilaird, another McLaurin tack associated with Druimavuic, these two Ardchattan Parish properties are combined on the 1802 tax rolls, with Colin Campbell of Balliveolan the owner. One Campbell or another had owned the two properties in Ardchattan Parish since 1470, when they were among the properties resigned by Walter Stewart of Lorn.

From evidence in the Testament of John McLaurine at Coire Bliochdaig dated 1725, there appears to be a debt due John from a long deceased Sir Robert Campbell of Orchy (1575-1657).  This is a “Wadset”, a loan from one of John’s ancestors to Sir Robert Campbell or one of his ancestors, in exchange for the long term tenancy of  Druimavuic and Coire Bliochdaig, until the loan is repaid sometimes generations later. Perhaps a Campbell repaid the Wadset to the McLaurins, replaced them with sheep then left for America with money in their pocket.

Of interest would be researching the rentals of Druimavuic and Coire Bliochdaig in the Argyll Papers at Inveraray Castle.

#128* Duncan “McJohn” McLaurin (D-d), served as a Richmond Co. North Carolina Tory in the Revolutionary War, just like his cousin Euan McLaurin in Orangeburg Co. South Carolina. He died at the age of 92 in Conecuh Co. Alabama.

Edinburgh Evening Courant

#127* Daniel McLaurin (D-bb), later shipped out of Portland, Maine and was drowned at sea.

#126* Lawrin McLaurin (D-be), appears in the 1810 and 1820 South Carolina census.

#125* Lachlan “Lock” McLaurin (D-bd), appears in the 1790 and 1800 North Carolina census.

*Passenger List Jupiter of Larne from Dunstaffnage Castle to Wilmington, North Carolina, 177

Glasdrum - grey ridge

Druimavuic - ridge of the bucks, pigs

Coire Bliochdaig - A hollow where cows were wont to be milked


A1 ____________ McLaurin B about 1590, Corrieblicaik, Invercreran, Appin

A1a Donald McLaurin B ____ D Nov 1686, TST 1686, Corrieblicaik, Glen Creran, Donald’s testament lists his armour, Balliboydan/Kilbodan Parish, Hew McLaurin (Ec) in Drumurch, Loch Awe Cautioner (Executor), Ardchattan Parish Nov. 12 1686

A1aa Mary McLaurin B ____ D _____ Daughter in A1a TST 1686, Coire Bliochdaig, Invercreran, Balliboydan/Kilbodan Parish

A1b Neil McLaurin B ____ D TST 1686, Corrieblicaik, Glen Creran,

A2 Donald/Daniel McLaurin B about 1600

Aa John McClaurin B about 1630 D Nov 1687, TST 1694, G.G. McL, Corrieblicaik Coire Bliochdaig, Invercreran, Balleodan Parish, m. _____, John Cameron in Auchnaba, Benderloch, Loch Etive owed him money, Dugald Campbell in Bairres, obleidges me as Cautioner,.

Aaa Neil McClaurin B about 1653 D _____ Son in A2a TST 1694

Aab John McLaurine TST 1725, Son in Aa TST1694, “Scottish Highlanders on the Eve of the Great Migration” by David Dobson B_____ D 21, July 1725, M. _____ Cameron, Corrieblicaik, Glencrenan, The deceased Sir Robert Campbell of Orchy (1575-1657) owed John money (a Wadset), Alexander Stewart younger of Invernayhle Cautioneer (a relative?).

Aaba/B Lauchlan McLaurin in Aab T1725, Journal of the MacColl Society July & August 1969) B ______ D ____Tenant Blar-nan-laogh, 1715 Rentals, Tenant Blar-nan-laogh, Glean na h-lola 1746 he is old, SAL & STN show he stayed at home 1745/6.

Lauchlan is living at Blar-nan-laogh, Glean na h-lola, owned by Stewart of Appin, in 1715 and 1745/46 where he is an old man. Both his father and grandfather lived at Druimavuic/Coire Bliochdaig.

Ba Duncan McLaurin B Feb 12, 1724 D Jan. 27, 1809 Duncan @ Invernahyle Estate 1746, wounded at Culloden Q 21, page 13, Appin to Richmond Co., int. Stewartsville Cy, NC

Bb (dates are a mess) Donald/Daniel McLaurin B 1750 Appin, not Skye thats an error, D 18__ M ____ MacColl, M Mary Stewart

Bc Hugh McLaurin of Glenahyle, B 1726 D 18__, M Anne McLeran

Bd NEW John Bane McLaurin B abt. 1725 D 18__ Lauchlan’s servant STN, Lauchlan’s son SAL

Be Mary McLaurin B abt. 1757 D<1785 M Daniel Stewart 1812 Eleventh Co, Robeson Regt.

Sa Dugald Stewart b. 1781

Sb Nancy Ann Stewart M Hugh Laa

Sc Jennett Stewart M Daniel Ban

Aabb Donald McLaurin B ____ D ____ Tenant Blar-nan-laogh, 1715 Rental (Journal of the MacColl Society July & August 1969)

Aabc Duncan McLaurin Glenure Culloden STN B ____  D _____

Aabd / D John McLaurin D. 1746 “John of Culloden”

Da Neil McLaurin b. 1723 Wounded at Culloden (not in STN or SAL)

Db  Donald/Daniel McLaurin of Islay probably Invernayhle, B 1731/5 D 1809, i Stewartsville Cy. M Margaret McLaurin Eaad

Dba Piper Hugh McLaurin B 1760

Dbb Donald/Daniel McLaurin B 1763, 1775 “Jupiter of Larne” drowned at sea later.

Dbc Big John emigrated in 1783

Dbd Lauchlan McLaurin B 1750 1775 “Jupiter of Larne”

Dbe Laurine McLaurin B 1755 1775 “Jupiter of Larne”

Dc Hugh McLaurin B ____ D young

Dd  Duncan “McJohn” McLaurin B 1745 D June 1833, Sept. 1775 “Jupiter of Larne”, Wounded Revolutionary War, L Richmond Co NC - Alabama, M 1 _____ McPhater N.C., M 2 Catherine McLaurin F-bd B 1754 Glasgow D1841 MS. 

NEW! De John McLaurin of Glendroum (Glasdrum) 1779 CAT pg.429, B ____  D. 1775-1779 Cared for brother Duncan’s son in Scotland after Duncan’s 1775 emigration.

Aabe Christian McLaurin B ____  D _____

Aabf Dugald McLaurin B ____  D _____

Aabg Hugh McLaurin B ____  D _____ , X-046 Hugh M’Laurin Sr. 1790 Richmond Census, Glenure Culloden STN

Hugh M’Laurin Jr. Aabga/G per Q 35 pg. 16, B app.1745 D 1817 Appin to Richmond Co, NC, M _____ _____ July 1792 Richmond Co., Road Order/1790 Census

Aac Eun/Hugh McClaurine in Aa TST 1694, B_____ D_____ 

Aad Duncan McClaurine IN Aa TST 1694, B_____ D_____, Tenant Blar-nan-laogh, 1715 Rentals 

Aae/F Dr. Lachlain McLaurine, B. 1685 D. 1759 TST 1759; mentioned in TST 1694, m.Isabella Cameron Doctor from Glenouroch 1746 Stonefield and Saltoun Appin then Maryburgh. John Cameron of Fassfern Cautioneer. Isabella Cameron daughter of Archibald Cameron of Dungallon son of Sir Ewen Cameron of Lochiel.

Lachlain’s 1st cousin is Colin Campbell of Glenure, a younger son of Barcaldine, and of Lucia, daughter of Sir Ewan Cameron of Lochiel,was the victim in the celebrated Appin murder by gunshot in the wood of Lettermore, in May 1752, Physician to Cameron of Erracht and other Camerons.

Fa John McLaurin, b about 1710, d.     , names in a Gaelic book in SHC, Laurinburg, NC.

Fb Duncan McLaurin, m. Catherine Rankin, Glencoe

Fba Hugh M’Laurin of Slate Quarry, Ballachulish,  b. 1751 Appin d. Jan. 12, 1846 age 95, 1790 Richmond Co, NC m. Catherine Calhoun

Fbd Catherine “of Glasgow” McLaurin,  b. 1754 d. 1841 Mississippi

m. Duncan McLaurin Dd

three others

Fc/HL Euan McLaurin, b about 1710 D. 1782 Charleston, SC, Quarterly Vol. 3, Number 10 June 1971, CAT pg. 447 

Fd Allan McLaurin, b about 1710 eldest son and closest next of kin in Lauchlan’s 1759 Testament.

Copyright HIlton McLaurin 2022

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Rev. Robert McLaurine, Church of England

Rev. Robert McLaurine, Church of England b. circa 1717 - 1727, Lived in Cumberland Co., Virginia

Since the surname McLaurin appears at different places and times in Scotland, with no “one” patronymic and considering the fluidity of surnames in Scotland in the early 1700s, Robert McLaurine could literally be, the first of his surname.

Three traditional accounts indicate Argyll as his families place of origin, Northern Argyll like most McLaurins to be more specific. The first tradition coming from the South Carolina McLaurins who came from Appin, Argyll is that Colin McLaurin’s mother Mary Cameron was a sister to ______ Cameron who married John McLaurin at Coire Bliochdaig, Appin. Which has nothing to do with Rev. Robert McLaurine.

A tradition resulting from the research of Confederate Col. Mosby of Virginia and Daniel McLaurin of South Carolina in the 1800s, is of a marriage between Margaret a sister of Rev. Robert McLaurine and Donald McLaurin in South Carolina.

"Col. Mosby remarked that his mother was a McLaurine, spelled with an "e". Uncle Daniel stated that his great grandmother, Margaret McLaurine, spelled her name with an "e". Col. Mosby continued, stating that the first of his McLaurine ancestors to come to Virginia was his great grandfather, Robert McLaurine, an Episcopal minister. That he had a son, James, who fought in the Revolution and he was the father of his (Mosby's) mother. Uncle Daniel outlined his family history back to the marriage of his great grandfather, Daniel McLaurin, to Margaret McLaurine.


Some time after this Uncle Daniel received a letter from Col. Mosby stating that he had learned that his great grandfather Robert McLaurine had a sister Margaret who had married a Daniel Mc-Laurin. That they had several children who came to America. That sometime after the Revolution Daniel and Margaret planned to come over, but she died, and he had never heard any thing more about the family. Uncle Daniel said that he immediately wrote Col. Mosby telling him that was exactly what happened to his great grandparents, Daniel and Margaret. They were making their plans to join their sons in America when Margaret died. Daniel came on a short time thereafter.” G.G. McLaurin And Some of His Kin Sketches and Genealogy

A third tradition originating in the 1800s is that Rev. Robert descended from Colin MacLaurin the Mathematician or his brother Rev. John. This tradition was later adopted by the South Carolina McLaurins also. This has been examined thoroughly and no link has been found, there are no known living descendants of Colin McLaurin or his brother John.

Coire Bliochdaig McLaurins and the Stronmagachan/Drumurch/Colin MacLaurine connection

However, it is possible that descendants of Colin’s McLaurin uncles and cousins Duncan, Alexander and Hew living at Stronmagachan and nearby Drumurch in Glenaray, could include Rev. Robert McLaurine.

First paragraph of Robert's Will

Robert or J. Robert as his will describes him appears to have been in Williamsburg, Virginia in 1743. From that year until 1750 when he became an ordained Deacon in the Church of England, Robert was a tutor in Williamsburg. Rev. William Douglas an emigrant Scot, Rev. William Dawson an emigrant Englishman and Gov. Thomas Lee a native Virginian referred to him as Robert McLaurine. In other records he is “Mr. McLaurine” or “Rev. McLaurine”.

Thomas Lee’s Letter of Recommendation for Robert McLaurine to the Church of England’s Lord Bishop of London, was written when Lee was the defacto Gov. of Virginia. Lee was extremely wealthy and well connected to London, “commonly” educated at William and Mary in Virginia and had his own Coat of Arms. Lee wrote ”The neighboring clergy recommended him for his learning and good life” Williamsburg April 23, 1750. It is my hunch that these recommendations came in the form of letters that might be in Thomas Lee’s Stratford Hall archives in Virginia.

The next day Rev. William Dawson President of William and Mary College, wrote a Letter of Recommendation stating he had known Robert for seven years as a tutor. There is no record of Robert’s education, perhaps privately tutored which was common in Virginia. Thomas Jefferson and the Monroe brothers were privately tutored in latin by the Scot Rev. William Douglas, a close older friend and neighbor of Robert McLaurine.

Robert was ordained and became the Reverend Robert McLaurine an Anglican minister in Southam Parish, which was in Cumberland County but is now in Cumberland & Powhatan County of Virginia. He served from 12/16/1751 until his death on 7/5/1773.

He was ordained as a Deacon, By Bishop Thomas Sherlock on August 12th 1750 (Ordination record 74465, Record #’s from CCED & actual scan’s of the Fulham papers obtained from Lambeth Palace library) Church of England Record Centre, London, England, including records of Anglican clergy.

He was ordained as a Priest, By Bishop Thomas Sherlock on August 24th 1750 (Ordination record 74468, Record #’s from CCED & actual scan’s of the Fulham papers obtained from Lambeth Palace library) Anglican

He was given holy orders and licensed for Virginia soon after and was paid K.B 20 pounds on September 5th 1750 to travel back to the Colonies. (Kings bounty, money book 43-419 from “The Colonial Clergy of Virginia”, page 34 as well as “A List of emigrant Ministers to America”, it references money book 43-419 on pg. 43)

Robert is also recorded as “Ord’r the Rev’d M’r Rob’t Mcklearing be rec’d as a probationer for this parish for a twelve month.” Vestry held at Court house 16 Dec 1751.

“A vestry-book of this parish, whose record began in 1745 and continued until 1791, famishes the following particulars. On June 30, 1746, the Rev. John Robertson enters upon his duties in this parish, being recommended by Governor Gooch and Commissary Dawson, having been ordained the previous year by the Bishop of London. He ceased to be minister in 1751. Mr. McClaurine is then received on probation for twelve months, and continues until his death in 1772. Mr. Jarratt, in his autobiography, speaks of him as a pious man.* The Rev. Jesse Carter, James Oglesby, and Hyde Saunders, at the death of Mr. McClaurine, became applicants for the parish, each preaching some time. “

“* Of Mr. McClaurine, other favourable accounts of his piety and great benevo- lence have come to me. He preached at Tar Wallett, Manakin, and Peterville Churches : beneath the chancel-floor of the latter he was buried. He was the first of his name in Virginia. He left three sons and three daughters, two of whom lived and died in Cumberland, and the third at Norfolk, during the last war. Of the daughters, one married a Hobson, another a Swann, and the third a Steger. Their mother was a Miss Blakely, from the Eastern Shore of Virginia.” FAMILIES OF VIRGINIA. 33 ARTICLE XLIX. Parishes in Cumberland, Buckingham, and Fluvanna. St. James Southam, Cumberland.

Married: Elizabeth Blaikley

Died: 5 July 1773 

His funeral was held on 7/23/1773, The Revered William Douglas held the service. (The Vestry Book of Southam Parish - Cumberland County, Virginia - 1745-1792)

There is no record of Robert’s immigration from Scotland.

Rev. Robert McLaurine was Church of England not Episcopalian, not Scottish Episcopalian and not English Episcopalian during his lifetime, the change in parish churches came about after his death in 1789.

Was Robert born in Virginia? 

Robert’s eldest son was named James. Is James what the initial “J” stands for in Robert’s will?

Is James MacClarren who came from Kilmodock, Perthshire and died in 1754 in Isle of Wight Co. Virginia, Robert’s father?

Was Robert related to the Virginian Daniel McClaren who died at the Battle of the Meadows in 1754, in Hogg’s Company?

YDNA = I-M223

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Donald McLaurin Testament 1686

 The Testament of Donald McLaurin - 1686

This Testament links the 'Lorn to Carolinas McLaurins' to the 'Edinburgh MacLaurins' through Drumurch in north Glenaray, not far from Dalmally where Duncan McLaren MP's Memorial is located, whose family is from the Isle of Lismore. There are numerous McLaurin families living in nearby Stronmagachan and to the east in nearby Strath of Orchy, according to parish records.

The Cautioneer (Executor) is Hew McLaurin from Drumurch, John MacLaurin who became clan chief in 1781 cites in his Petition to the Lyon Court that his ancestor Donald MacLaurin Esq. married Katherine MacArthur of Drumurch. They lived at the same time period as Hew McLaurin in the Testament.

An interesting entry in Donald McLaurin's Testament from 1686 two years after his death in 1684, are his utensils and armour, indicating that he was an armed gentleman a 'daoine uasile'.

Donald lived in Coire Bliochdaig (where cows were want to be milked), what I would describe as a Draw on the High Plains. It runs south out of Glenure on the map. It is my opinion that John McClaurin D. 1687 a relative of Donald's who also lived in Coire Bliochdaig is the ancestor of most of the Richmond County, NC (Laurinburg and Red Bluff) McLaurins.

Testament Dative and Inventar of the Goods of Donald McLaurin, 1686

Reference CC2/3/3

Testament Donald McLaurin

The Testament dative and Inventar of the gods and geir pertaining to the deceist Donald McLaurin in Carivlekag within the parochen of Balliboydan & diocis of Argyll the tyme of her his deceise, who deceist in the moneth of No[vembe]r 1684,

Faithfuly made and given up be Neill McLaurin his broyr in name of Mary McLaurin, only child & exe[cut]rix dative decerned to the s[ai]d deceist Donald McLaurin her fayr,

As ane act made yranent of the dait of thir p[rese]nts in itself at more length bear[es]


Imprimis the said defunct had pertaining to him the tyme of his deceise the goods and geir underwri[tte]n of the availl[es] and pryces par[ticular]lie following, To witt,

Twelve great Cowes price piece £13 6s 8d inde £160,

Item four tuo yeir olds price £24,

Item four stirks price £12,

Item fourtie sheep and goat[es] price £53 6s 8d,

Item ane mare, ane horse and thre follower[es] price £26 13s 4d,

Item ane boll meall and thre boll[es] oat[es] price £11 6s 8d,

Item the utencil[es] and Armour est[imated] to £13 6s 8d.

Summa Inventarii £300 – 13 – 4

No debt[es] to

Debt[es] be

Item yr was Resting be the s[ai]d defunct the tyme fors[ai]d,

To her M[aste]r of Rent £29 6s 8d,

Item of Teynd[es] and viccarage £3 6s 8d,

Item of servant[es] fies 46s 8d,

Item allowed of Funerall charges £6 13s 4d.

Testament Dative and Inventar of the Goods of Donald McLaurin, 1686

Reference CC2/3/3

Su[m]ma debt[es] be £41 – 13 – 4

which deduced Remaines £259 – 0 – 0

Dead[es] p[ar]t is £129 – 10 – 0


I, John McLean, Co[m]miss[a]r Deput of Argyll, doe Ratifie, approve and Confirme the Testament dative and Inventar of the goods and geir abovewri[tte]n and decerne and Confirme the said Mary McLaurin exe[cut]rix dative to the s[ai]d deceist Donald McLaurin her fayr,

And give and Committ to the s[ai]d Neill McLaurin her uncle, for her, in her name & behalf, and to her use & behove, full power to Intromet &c,

And if need bees to Call &c in Co[mmun]i fo[rm]a,

Becaus the said Neill hes maid faith & found Hew McLaurin in Drumurch Cau[tione]r for him that the goods and geir abovewri[tte]n shall be made forthcomeing to all parties havand Intrest as accords.

In witnes qrof thir p[rese]nts sub[scribe]d by me at Ardchattan, the Tuelth day of No[vembe]r 1686 yeirs

Corrieblicaik (where cows arer wont to be milked), Balleodan Parish lower Glen Creran.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

McLerans are they McLaurins and McLarens, preliminary notes

The MacLerans

Are they the same as McLarens and McLaurins, the surnames interchangeable in Scotland and America is often the case, as shown below.

“The word learan is not in any dictionary. What could it mean? The answer is pretty simple: ‘shipwrecked mariner’, ‘human flotsam’. Lear is a common poetic word for the sea. Shakespeare picked it up as ‘King
Lear’, the sea-god Manannan being Manannan mac Lir ‘Manannan son of Lear’, that is, ‘the son of the Sea’.“

“The evidence from the north points to an eponymous Leadharan or Leadhran who may or may not have been a saint. Given Moss’s information, a derivation from some word or name connected with ‘leather, hide’ would be highly appealing. Gaelic leathar would not supply it, but its Welsh/?Pictish and Norse cognates lledr and leðr would.10 Moss said that MacLerans had migrated from an original homeland in upper Glengarry to Rannoch, the Aird (of Lovat) and Lewis; Matheson found them in Lewis, Glengarry,
Tiree, Knapdale and Kintyre, and was able to establish a connection between those of Lewis and Glengarry. It seems likely, then, that those of Tiree, Knapdale and Kintyre were MacLerans of a different kind from those of the north. “ Ronnie Black, “The MacLerans”, published in the West Highland Notes & Queries, Series 3, Number 18, Jan 2012 pages 3–17.

John MacLaurin Lord Dreghorn’s 1781 Matriculation of chiefly arms, gives his kindreds origin as Tiree, where in 1541 we find McCleruns living at Cornekmoir/Cornaigmore. Notice the index has them as M’Laren in this 1878 publication of “Rotuli scaccarii regum Scotorum“, The Exchequer Rolls of Scotland, Vol. 17.

I have not found a better description of the McLerrans/McLaurins or McLarens than the following by Rev. William Matheson in 1986..

“In N&Q ser. 1, no. 28, March 1986, 15–16, Alastair Campbell of Airds told a story about how some MacLeans at Southend in Kintyre added an ‘r’ to their name to conceal their identity. This produced a magisterial response on the MacLerans by the late Rev. William Matheson (ser. 1, no. 29, August 1986, 21–26). Mr Matheson modestly omitted reference to one his own books, in which he had spoken of Fionnlagh Mac Gille Eadharain, ‘chieftain of the clan of that name’, in North Galson, Ness, Lewis, c. 1600.1 In his article he judiciously turned his words ‘chieftain of the clan of that name’ into ‘the head of the tribe’ and ‘tacksman of Galson’, and went out of his way to portray the MacLerans as belonging to a large sub-aristocratic social class which does not figure on clan maps and which is ‘dispersed all over the land from north to south and east to west, bearing their own ancient surnames’. “ Ronnie Black, “The MacLerans”, published in the West Highland Notes & Queries, Series 3, Number 18, Jan 2012 pages 3–17.

In this passage we find McLerans in Cameron country. We know from marriages and the Testament of Dr. Lauchlin McLaurin that McLaurins, Locheil, Auchnaba and Fassfern Camerons were closely tied. Loch Arkaig is about 40 miles due north of Duror and Appin where many McLearens/McLaurins lived.

“I can point to various sources which use the latter formation. One is George Moss, a native of Strathglass, writing about the MacLerans in 1965.
Is e fuaim “MacLèran” a bha againn an Siorrachd Inbhir-Nis, an coitchinne, aig dùthchasaich a labhair gu nàdurra . . . Faodar bith . . . gu robh am fuaim sin “MacLèran” againne, a’ riochdachadh an ainme “Mac Leadhrain” . . . Bha Clann Leadhair (Leadhra, Leadhrain) mu na gleannain bheaga uaigneach eadar Loch Airceig agus ceann siar Glinne Garadh. Meirlich chruidh a bu deach an Albainn; cliù àrd e sin agus Clann
Mhaoilein is Clann a Phì a bhith ann. B’i fo-fhine bha annta gun fearann aca féin a bu leò féin. Le bha iad ’nan còmhnaidh mu na crìochan a bha fo dheasbud eadar Mac Dhomhnaill Duibh, triath nan Camaronach, agus Mac Mhic Alasdair, triath nan Domhnallach á Gleann Garadh, theirte gu robh iad ’nan Camaronaich nuair a ruigeadh maor Mhic Mhic Alasdair orra, is e ag iarraidh na càna bu dìr do uachdaran; ach gu robh iad ’nan Domhnallaich dar a chaidh maor Mhic Dhomhnaill Duibh ’gan
ruigsinn. B’e “Domhnallach” a bha air gach gin aca a shìob gu cearnan eile – Raineach, Bràigh na h-Aird, Leódhus, e.c.7

(“Our usual pronunciation in Inverness-shire, that of natives speaking naturally, was ‘MacLèran’, that is, ‘MacLeran’ with long ‘e’ . . . It may be . . . that it reflected the name Mac Leadhrain . . . Clann Leadhair
(Leadhra, Leadhrain) were scattered around the remote little glens between Loch Arkaig and the western end of Glen Garry. The worst cattle thieves in Scotland; quite a reputation, given the presence of MacMillans and MacPhees. They were a sept with no land of their own. Living as they did in the disputed frontier lands between Lochiel’s and Glengarry’s, they claimed to be Camerons when Glengarry’s groundofficer reached them in pursuit of the tribute due to a landlord, but to be MacDonalds when Lochiel’s ground-officer arrived. ‘MacDonald’ was the name used by all of them who drifted off to other districts – Rannoch, the braes of the Aird, Lewis, etc.”)” Ronnie Black, “The MacLerans”, published in the West Highland Notes & Queries, Series 3, Number 18, Jan 2012 pages 3–17.

The name Laurence appears in the Clann Mhic Leadhrainn section of MS: 1467. ( Ronnie and Mairi Black provide the following transcription from the manuscript. I added the far right column with known contemporaneous MacLaurins.


MS: 1467 Leadhrainn/MacLeran/MacLerran AD Labhrainn/MacLaurin/MacLaren

Mhic ìle (Lords of the Sea) 950
Mhic mainne (common Gaelic name) 980
Mhic baltair (Walter, Norse and Norman) 1010
Mhic tormoid (Norse) 1040
Mhic lamrainn .g. (Laurence) 1070
Mhic eoghain  (John) 1100
Mhic tormoid (Norse) 1130
Mhic murchaidh (Murdoch) 1160
Mhic conbethad (Hound of Life, uncommon) 1190
Mhic tormoid (Norse) 1220
Mhic mainne/magnuis (common Gaelic name) 1250 Bishop Laurence de Ergadia (Argyll), Lismore
Mhic arailt (Harold) 1280
Mhic eogainn (John) 1310
Mhic gillapadraige barra (Patrick, Barr) 1340 Vicar Laurencius, Kilmartin, Glassary 1355
mac cormaig (common name) 1370
gillapadraic (Patrick) 1400
1420 Vicar Labhrainn, Kilbodan, Ardchattan 1420
1436 Vicar Dubhghall macGhille-Chrìost Mhic Labhruinn, Kilmichael, near Kilmartin, not the one in Kintyre
1446-1497 Dougall MacLaurin, Ardveich, Appin
1455 - Coule V’Lauran

"As you see, this places Laurence of the MacLeran pedigree at c. 1070. He probably knew King Macbeth personally." (Ronald Black, 2016) 

John and Patrick are common 16th century MacLaurin names. The name Walter is found in the 1559 ClanLawren Bond to Campbell of Glenurchy.

There are three possible locations for Barra, the most likely for Mhic gillapadraige circa 1340, is Barrs on the north shore of Loch Etive, two miles north of Cadderlie, where MacLaurins are known to have lived. This was also the home of Dugald Campbell of Bairres, who was Cautioneer for John McLaurin in Coire Bliochdaig’s Testament in 1694. There is a Barr, Morvern northwest of Lismore and a Barr, west Kintyre home of the MacAlister Clan, the territory of Lorn lies between the two.

After 40 years of MacLaurin family history research, I can confidentially say that each and every MacLaren or McLaurin has at one time or another had his or her historical name spelled MacLeran/McLerran or another variant. Or the reverse is also true, there were McLerrans who changed the spelling to McLaurin in the 1840's, Carolinas of the US. I am 50/50 that this is actually a MacLaurin of Lorn genealogy, and that Dubhghall Albanach mac Mhic Cathail the scribe, spelled the surname the way it sounded to his ear.

The MacSorleys are in MS:1467 Just like the they are in the 1509 Appin Decress

Acharr, Appin
Abroad John Mclarine and Donald Mclarine. List of Heretors Tennants Servants and Cottars that are at home and of those that are abroad in the Present Rebellion out of the Country of Appine and Glencoe Those at home in the Ten pound land of Airds only excepted. 3 May 1746

In 1755 a Letter of Complaint signed at Duror by Donald McLearin of Acharr a Culloden survivor. Extracts from “Journal of the MacColl Society” or “Cuairtear Chloinn Cholla” July & August 1969

In 1775 these men emigrated to North Carolina from Acharr Larran McLarran,Duncan McLarran and Daniel/Donald McLarran Jupiter of Lorne


In 1797 Neil McLeran at Acharr, Appin paid a horse tax.

Richmond Co. NC
Hugh McLearan X-046 Near the others in 1790 Census

War of 1812
Ninth Company, detached from Anson Co. Regiment 
Daniel McLeran - Daniel McLaurin (L-aad)
Neil McLeran - Neil McLaurin (L-aab) was granted 250 acres on the n. Side of Mill Creek beginning at a pine in 1810

Between 1747 and 1772 Colin McLeran served Robert Campbell of Glenure later of Barcaldine. In 1746 Euan Bane McLearan servant to Duncan Canpbell Barcaldine’s Brother, Duncan McLearan his other servant, John McLearan Brother to Duncan, an idle man

In 1703 Duncan Toshach of Monzievaird sends a letter to Breadalbane containg the Glenlednock Bonds and telling the recepient may dismiss Duncan McLeran if he pleases, but they had all better all come down to Taymouth (?).

McLerans, McLerrans that became McLaurins by 1830

McLerran 1739, Bladen Co NC, John McLerran (J)
Mclarine 3 May 1746 Dougal Stewarts Saltoun 'List of Heretors Tennants Servants and Cottars" Appin
McLearan 6 July 1746 Campbell of Stonefield 'List of persons within the parish of Lismore and Appin"

McLerran 1790 US Census, Richmond County North Carolina of Appin 1746 emigrants and descendants
Hugh McLerran, Jr (G) G kin-group Richmond Co.
Duncan McLerran Jr (B-bd) B kin-group Richmond Co.
John McLerran, Sr (J-bc) J kin-group Cumberland Co.
John McLerran, Jr (J-bca) J kin-group Cumberland Co.

McLerran 1793 - 1800 Richmond County Deeds of above Appin 1746 emigrants and descendants

McLeran 1800 US Census, Richmond County North Carolina of McLaurin above Appin 1746 emigrants and descendants
Hugh McLaurin, Jr (G) G kin-group Richmond Co.
Duncan McLarrin (B-bd) B kin-group Richmond Co.
John McLeran (J-bca) J kin-group Cumberland Co.
John McLaurin (B-bc) B kin-group Marlboro Co.
Duncan McLeran (J-bcb) J kin-group Cumberland Co.

McLerran 1810 US Census, Richmond County North Carolina of McLaurin above Appin 1746 emigrants and descendants
McLeran Hugh McLaurin(G) G kin-group Richmond Co.
Duncan McLaurin, Major (B-bd) B kin-group Richmond Co.
John McLerran (J-bca) J kin-group Cumberland Co.
John McLeran (B-bc) B kin-group Marlboro Co.
Duncan McLerran (J-bcb) J kin-group Cumberland Co.
Daniel McLerran (J-bcc) J kin-group Cumberland Co.

McLerran 1820 US Census, Richmond County North Carolina of McLauren above Appin 1746 emigrants and descendants
McLaurin Angus McLauren (G-d) G kin-group Richmond Co.
Duncan McLauren (B-bd) B kin-group Richmond Co.
Duncan McLeran (J-bcb) J kin-group Cumberland Co.
John McLerran (J-bca) J kin-group Cumberland Co.
Lauchlin McLaurin (B-bb) B kin-group Marlboro Co.

McLaurin 1830 US Census, Richmond County North Carolina of  McLaren Appin 1746 emigrants and descendants
Angus McLaurin (G-d) G kin-group Richmond Co.
Duncan McLaurin (B-bd) B kin-group Richmond Co.
John McLaurin (J-bcad) J kin-group Cumberland Co.
Duncan McLaurin (J-bcb) J kin-group Cumberland Co.
Neil McLaurin (J-bc-) J kin-group Cumberland Co.
Hugh C. McLaurin (B-bbb) B kin-group Marlboro Co.
Duncan McLaren (L-aag) Anson Co. NC
Daniel McLaren (L-aad) Anson Co. NC

McClarin 1837 John McClarin (L-aac) Kemper Co. MS

McLaurin 1840 US Census, Richmond County North Carolina of
McLeran above Appin 1746 emigrants and descendants
Angus McLaurin (G-d) G kin-group Richmond Co.
John McLeran (J-bcad) J kin-group Cumberland Co.
Hugh C. McLaurin (B-bbb) B kin-group Marlboro Co.
John McLaurin (L-aac) Kemper Co. MS
Duncan McLaurin (L-aag) Anson Co. NC