MacLaurin and McColl Feud

 MacLaurin and McColl Feud

This item may have been collected from Donald MacColl, foxhunter, Glencreran, Argyllshire.


Donald MacColl, foxhunter, Glencreran, Argyll

Note about Eas nan Ùig[Earra Ghàidheal/Argyll], that Carmichaels were buried there; that the MacLaurins of Duror and the MacColls of Glaisdrum [Glasdrum] fought there; that Donul nan Ord [Dòmhnall nan Òrd] hid there and that the Carmichaels and Stewarts were 'bosom friends' or 'lèine-chneis'.

St. Cyrils S. Munn in Loch Liu'nn (Loch Linnhe) belongs to Aird chattan (Ardchattan). No one claim it still One ½ belongs to Callart & the other to Bailchaolais.

They used to hear prayers on Sgeir a phobuill at night & church seen
& music of a beaut kind as of sweet voice saints. Ruins of dun on top. 

The Carmichaels got first left of the Cam yleach "Who died at Airdsheile.

The MacLaurins of Duror & the MacColls of Glas druim fot there in Creag Eas nan Ùig the March (line) bet Creg & Inner & where Donul nan Ord hid himself & his friend bosom friend Camp made signs wh from mat stood. Camp was above Gleusalaich & D nan O at Eas nan Ùig.

Stewarts & Car(michaels) were bosom friend – Leine chneis -

Domhnuil Nan Ord’s Cave, Loch Creran, see Caves of Appin, Weir, Ian 2005 A Life on the Land.  Part Fifteen: The Dog Star.  Scots Mag September 316-319, 

Note: probably collected from Donald MacColl, fox-hunter, Glencreran, Earra Ghàidheal/Argyllshire, about the feu on Glasdruim [Glasdrum, Earra Ghàidheal/Argyllshire] and how the title to it was either kept on the owner's person or hidden under a stone. The feu was lost owing to acting as surety and because the MacColls were stronger than the Stewarts of Appin. Fear Ardnasheile's two servants are noted as being 'a cuif' and the other 'a man who stood up for his clan'. The feu was latterly paid to the Airds. Carmichael-Watson Project, Univ. of Edimburgh

Glasdrum McColls

John McColl from the Acharr Ardsheal estate, was a descendant of the Glasdrum McColls, portioners directly from the Earl of Argyle. John and his family along with a family of Stewarts from the same estate and four McLaurin brothers, sailed to America on “Jupiter of Larne” in 1775. They arrived in North Carolina the McColls establishing themselves at Mountain Creek community on the Pee Dee River. Many of them later moved to Marlboro County, SC, with other Appin and Benderloch McLaurins that they were related to.

Copyright Hilton McLaurin 2022 - All Rights Reserved

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