1586 Donald Maclaren at Ard in Glenlyon
Donald MacLaren in the Ard in Glenlyon his heirs bond of manrent and calps in general terms; for maintenance. To Duncan Campbell of Glenorchy his heirs. Buke of bandis (Book of bonds) (Duncan), f.43r. pg. 417, Breadalbane Manrent and Maintenance, Jennifer M. Brown, Bonds of manrent in Scotland before 1603, 1974. PhD thesis. General Reference SRO, Breadalbane Muniments, GD 112/24, f.43r.
Ard must have been close to Creag Ard
St. Eonan (as tradition says) was the disciple of St. Columba, but more correctly an alumnus of the Monastery of Iona, founded by St. Columba about 565. St. Eonan set out in company with St. Fillan to instruct the rude inhabitants of the Grampians in the doctrines of Christianity. The whole land lay before them, and—like the patriarchs of old, casting lots—Strathfillan, Balquhidder, &c, fell to St. Fillan Glen lyon and its neighbourhood to Eonan. Civilization, of yore as now, followed in the wake of the religion of the cross. Both saints, in their different abodes, recommended their spiritual doctrines to the people, by showing they could better their temporal state. Fillan erected the mill at Killin; Eonan that of Milton Eonan in Glenlyon. During Eonan's sojourn in the place of his pilgrimage, one of the dreadful plagues that then so often depopulated Europe, broke out over Scotland. At Fortingall it made such ravage that only one survived " an Ossian after the Fenians." This was an old woman, who performed the duties of sexton, conveying the dead, by her grey horse and sledge, into one hollow over which a heap of stones was afterwards raised, still to be seen in the Haugh of Fortingall, and called the “Cairn of the Dead." What became of the heroine of the grey horse, our Sennachies forget to tell ; but they say the desert dale of Fortingall was subsequently repeopled by a colony of the M'Dougals of Lorn, many of whose descendants are still found there. “ pg. 5 The Lairds of Glenlyon, Sir Donald Currie of Garth and Glenlyon, 1886
The McLaurence Kindred from Lorn could very well have been participants in the McDougall’s colony to Glenlyon. This needs more study.
“Ane List of the hail Goods and Gear taken away from the Laird off Glenlyon, and the Tenants underwritten, out of Chesthill and Balentyre, and Carnbane Little and Meikle, about the latter end of October, 1689, by Coill M'Donald of Keppoch and his Associates :
” pg. 55 The Lairds of Glenlyon, Sir Donald Currie of Garth and Glenlyon, 1886
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