1466 vicar Johannes M’Lern in southwest Scotland

This person while probably not related to the Argyll MacLabhrans, does bear the surname so he might be an ancestor of one of the other genetic lines of the surname. I have been able to determine what ‘et Gilb’ refers to perhaps the same as ‘et al’ (and others). Apud means ‘near’. “Johannes M'Lern, capellanus (chaplain, et Gilb. Mertynsoune), witnessed a charter of the lands of Balmaclelane, Kirkcudbright in 1466” RMS. Registrum magni sigilli regum Scotorum. The register of the great seal of Scotland, v. 1-11 (1306-1668). Edinburgh, 1882-1914. Cited by volume and number of document.

907. Apud Edinburgh, 19 . . . .liEX confirmavit cartani Yedasti Greresoue domini de Lag, ac certarum terrarum de Balmaclellane [Galloway] — [qua concessit Johanni M’Lelaxe filio Dungalli Johnsone, et heredibus ejus, — terras de Balmaclelane, viz. 12 marcatas antiqui extentus vulgariter nuncupatas Armakcwne, Trechanis, Blaranny, et Blakcrag : — Tenend. a dicto Vedasto de rege, &c. : — Eeddend. regiunam sectam curie ad capitale placitum sene.scallatus de Kirkcudbricht proximo post natale ibidem tenend. et alia servitia debita et consueta :— Tesst. Eob. Heris domino de Kirkpatrik-Yrngray, Don. M'Lellaue dom. de Golstoune, Wil. Langmure do Watfurde, Pat. M'Culloch, Eob. Ahannay, Joh. M'Moryn, David M'birny, M. Joh. Hamiltoune vicario de Loohrewtoune, Wil. Ahannay, Joh. M'Lern, capollanis, et Gilb. Mertynsoune: — Apud Kirkcudbricht, 28 Aug., 1466] :— Test. 6. 7.1. 8. 10,41. 42. vii. 110.

Copyright Hilton McLaurin 2022 - All Rights Reserved

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