This person while probably not related to the Argyll MacLabhrans, does bear the surname so he might be an ancestor of one of the other genetic lines of the surname. I have been able to determine what ‘et Gilb’ refers to perhaps the same as ‘et al’ (and others). Apud means ‘near’. “Johannes M'Lern, capellanus (chaplain, et Gilb. Mertynsoune), witnessed a charter of the lands of Balmaclelane, Kirkcudbright in 1466” RMS. Registrum magni sigilli regum Scotorum. The register of the great seal of Scotland, v. 1-11 (1306-1668). Edinburgh, 1882-1914. Cited by volume and number of document.
907. Apud Edinburgh, 19 . . . .liEX confirmavit cartani Yedasti Greresoue domini de Lag, ac certarum terrarum de Balmaclellane [Galloway] — [qua concessit Johanni M’Lelaxe filio Dungalli Johnsone, et heredibus ejus, — terras de Balmaclelane, viz. 12 marcatas antiqui extentus vulgariter nuncupatas Armakcwne, Trechanis, Blaranny, et Blakcrag : — Tenend. a dicto Vedasto de rege, &c. : — Eeddend. regiunam sectam curie ad capitale placitum sene.scallatus de Kirkcudbricht proximo post natale ibidem tenend. et alia servitia debita et consueta :— Tesst. Eob. Heris domino de Kirkpatrik-Yrngray, Don. M'Lellaue dom. de Golstoune, Wil. Langmure do Watfurde, Pat. M'Culloch, Eob. Ahannay, Joh. M'Moryn, David M'birny, M. Joh. Hamiltoune vicario de Loohrewtoune, Wil. Ahannay, Joh. M'Lern, capollanis, et Gilb. Mertynsoune: — Apud Kirkcudbricht, 28 Aug., 1466] :— Test. 6. 7.1. 8. 10,41. 42. vii. 110.
Copyright Hilton McLaurin 2022 - All Rights Reserved
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